I am a jewelry designer with a love of all things beautiful. I am drawn to modern handcrafted lovelies. You will see them all as I discover them here on my blog. Enjoy!

psst.. and visit my shop to see these inspirations turned into jewelry.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Shop Update

I have posted some pieces in my shop and will continue to post a few more throughout the week. Not to TOOT my own horn, but everytime I look at this necklace I laugh. Why is it so funny to me? She's Crafty. I know so many crafty people that I can give this too. Hope you do too.

My shop has been very busy, so if there is something that you are interested but don't see listed, please email me. I probably just haven't relisted it. I'm trying my best to stay up on these things.

Heather and I survived the "Handmade for the Holidays" show last weekend. It was...hmmm....good. I met some really nice people. Our neighbors were Hearts and Laserbeams. You know them.....they have the crochet cupcakes. Those cupcakes are a real show stopper!

Dave is teaching James how to make pizza. James rather enjoyed being allowed and encouraged to hit something (the dough). He's punching the dough yelling "hit the dough"!

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