This past weekend was
Unique LA and it was so much fun. Overall the show was pretty good minus a slow start to the weekend. Now I have to quickly get back to work to restock for
Bazaar Bizarre . I'm really looking forward to that show because we are going to make a little vacation of it and spend a couple extra days going hiking. Can't wait!
I wanted to share some favorites from Unique LA. I didn't get too much time to walk around and take pics but here are the few that I did.One of my favorite vendors is
Dust and Co. She's just so cool:) Loved her booth setup and of course her jewelry is so very unique.

I was very lucky to have two great neighbors.
Amanda K Lockrow is a very skilled metalsmith. Her button rings are my favorite and I just love to hear her say button. It's a very proper pronunciation.

My other neighbor was new to this venue, and fairly new to her business.
Khana Skin had some wonderful bath products that smelled so good.

I also met another very sweet jeweler. While
Fruition Jewelry had really beautiful jewelry one of things I loved most was her custom labels for booze. Who wouldn't love to have a liquor cabinet that looks so classy?

And of course, I have revamped my display...again! Someday I'll stick to something, maybe. I used lentils to create the decorative elements in the bottom layer of the table. It is still a work in progress though.

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be working on setting up our raised bed vegetable garden. My husband, son, and I are also going to join up with to go pick fruit out in the valley that is donated to local food pantries. It feels good to help out and I'm looking forward to a family day:)