I am a jewelry designer with a love of all things beautiful. I am drawn to modern handcrafted lovelies. You will see them all as I discover them here on my blog. Enjoy!

psst.. and visit my shop to see these inspirations turned into jewelry.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Valentine's is coming

Well, I was hoping to get a few more pieces in my shop for Valentine's day over the weekend, but a power outage snafued that plan. Apparently having a computer running, a kiln and then turning on the microwave is more than my 81 year old apartment can handle. I guess I don't blame it. I had to use the microwave. I needed a cup of tea and I needed it fast. Well, we are finally up and running and I will vow to only boil tea on the stove top now. Alright, so here's my unveiling. Two pieces - "JE T'AIME" and "TI AMO". For clarification "Je T'aime" is French for I Love you and "Ti Amo" is Italian for I love you. There will be a few more pieces coming your way.

I had another beautiful walk today. It rained this afternoon (woohoo). You know I'm in Los Angeles when we cheer for rain. Here are a few pictures that I took while walking home from the mechanic shop. (There's another story - why I was at the mechanics).

Basically the motor to the power locks died. No big deal, right? Well, turns out that the lock to the gas tank was locked closed when the motor died. Luckily I was close to home when I tried to fill up the gas tank and realized that I couldn't open the cover. I'm fortunate because I went down to visit my dad and his wife and got stuck in 2 1/2 hours of traffic. That could have been bad if I ran out of gas out there. Here's a picture from our gorgeous walk along the beach.

1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Those necklaces are so pretty!! I want one. :)