I am a jewelry designer with a love of all things beautiful. I am drawn to modern handcrafted lovelies. You will see them all as I discover them here on my blog. Enjoy!

psst.. and visit my shop to see these inspirations turned into jewelry.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A little foggy

It's a little foggy today, and I'm not talking about the weather. It's my head. I'm battling a cold, and when I say battling I mean I am on the full offensive. Gargle salt water, grapefruit seed extract, vitamin c, zicam, a tea of cayenne, honey and lemon. This cold will not get the best of me.... but today I am a little foggy. Hopefully it will burn off by the afternoon as fog usually does.

I'm working on getting my inventory built back up. I will be selling at the Rose Bowl Flea Market on Sunday. Anyone in the area? You should totally stop by, pay me a visit, and entertain me:) It is a long day. I could use the company.

I just listed these little studs in my shop this morning. They are really sweet. I made a pair for myself that I haven't taken off in days. I'm like that. I sleep in my jewelry too. Maybe I like a little glamour all the time and maybe I'm just lazy.

Hope you are all having a wonderful Monday!


Amanda K Lockrow said...

Hope the Rose Bowl was a good day for you. See you Sunday, we have to entertain each other for that long day. PS the heart studs are adorable.

My Owl Barn said...

Love are very cute. I sleep in my jewelry too, and it's because I am lazy sometimes ;)