Yesterday I sold my collection at Long Beach Patchwork Show. It was so much fun! I can't believe how many people were there. I had a fantastic spot too - first table at the entrance. Thank you, thank you Patchwork people. It was super overcast for most of the day and felt lovely... until I got home and realize - oops, that sun was there it was just hiding. I got so burnt which is shocking because I do not typically burn. I feel like I can finally sympathize with my cousin who also got fried at the beach when we were kids. It hurts.
Now I'm prepping for The California Gift Show. It's a wholesale show here in Downtown LA. I'm working on new stuff which is always fun. Wish I could do this more often. I love just drawing and getting inspired. I will be part of a collaborative group at this show. There are 10 of us showing under the name "Handmade Galleries". We are all featured at the Handmade Galleries in Sherman Oaks. Getting 10 people all on the same page and organized is no easy feat but I think it will result in a really great presentation.
Just a head's up. You MUST come to Renegade Craft Show in Los Angeles this year. I was just reading up about the event and all of the special workshops, music and food. It's going to be awesome. I will tell more about it later:)
Enjoy your day.